Hey, guys.
The premiere won't be released today, I'm sorry -- I just need another day or two with it and it'll be done, that's it. It's almost there, honestly.
I tried to make the date, and I really thought I would. I've been crunching since announcing the tentative date of today about a week ago, editing in my bedroom all hours like a troll, rarely leaving, not talking to anyone, stopping to sleep only when I'm on the verge of passing out. I feel frazzled.
Here's the deal -- I did get a shit-load of work done. the premiere really is on the verge of completion and I feel it's coming together very nicely. Despite my efforts this past week, at this point I still need to grab a few shots, record some vocal performances from myself and others and await the submission of some outsourced performance audio which I probably won't receive from my talent until later today.
I was going to grab the local performance recordings and shots I'm missing today with some help from my roommates, but everybody at my place is currently getting geared up for a Halloween party tonight, pre-drinking. The fun's starting earlier than I thought it would.
The hope was to have Halloween be my "polish and upload" day and then attempt to enjoy myself at the party later that night, and I'm sorry to have missed the mark.
What I'd like to do is relax, go to this party, grab what I'm missing for the premiere the next day, cut and render everything and release the episode on the 2nd, perhaps even late at night on the 1st.
I want to set up a live stream in unison with the episode upload, too. People can wait for the upload completion with me, watch the premiere, ask me whatever and let me know what they thought of it while I play MGS:V or something, which I haven't touched in ages since beating the first chapter.
I'm uncertain of the overall length of the premiere as it's currently broken up into chunks among separate sequences and project files, but I estimate around an hour. It ain't short. I think it's the longest episode of the show I've ever made other than perhaps Endgame, but that was pretty naff.
I've been tempted to cut another trailer for you guys, but I don't feel I can show you much more content without spoiling things and diminishing the effect of watching the full premiere. Plus it's just piling on more work for myself when I could be powering through to put the full episode out.
I'm not asking for another week here, just a day or two. Please try not to hate me until the premiere's released. If you found the previous seasons of the show riveting at all, I can confidently say this premiere will blow your socks off.
Stay tuned, and thank you as always for your wonderful support.